12 and Over Parent Proxy

Child Application for Online Access to Medical Records (12 and Over Parent Proxy)

Patient To Complete

Date of Birth
First Name(s)

I wish to give Proxy Access to the following person

Date of Birth
First Name(s)
Are you registered at our organization?
I wish the above person to have access to


“Coercion” is when somebody forces an individual to act against their will. This can be through threatening them, overwhelming them, or hurting them.

Coercion might result in patients being forced into sharing information from their record, including login details, medical history, repeat prescription orders, GP appointment booking details and other private, personal information.

Parent / Guardian To Complete

I understand and agree with each statement
I understand that the following access will be revoked when the child reaches the age of 12, at which point a new request will need to be submitted by them should they wish for my proxy access to be reinstated.
Parent/Guardian Name