Our Documents


Click on the links below to read our privacy poster which summarises information on the GDPR and our Practice’s Privacy Notice to patients. Within the Privacy Notice, you will find our Subject Access Request Policy.

Access to Prospective (Future) Medical information

People over 16 can now see new information added to their health record. This includes notes from appointments, test results, and letters. You can view this via the NHS App, NHS website, or another GP online app you use. If you don’t want to see your record, speak to your GP.

Medication for Travel and Medical Procedure Anxiety

Please click below to read our full policy on medication for anxiety.

Sustainability and Environmental Statement

At Acorn Surgery we are committed to environmental sustainability and recognise our responsibility to minimize our carbon footprint. Our mission is to provide quality healthcare while actively contributing to the well-being of our community and the planet.

Telephone Recording Privacy Notice

In the course of its activities the Practice will collect, store and process personal data, including the recording of all telephone calls, and it recognises that the correct and lawful treatment of this data will maintain confidence in the organisation and will provide for successful business operations.